
  • To implement and coordinate anti-ragging measures.
  • Ensure anti ragging instructions are displayed at prominent places including canteen and hostels.
  • To take cognizance of any breach of discipline and suggest immediate disciplinary action in such cases.
  • To decide the quantum of punishment to be imposed on the culprit students.
  • To conduct enquiries of the defaulter students against individual/ collective indiscipline.
  • Collection of relevant evidences of incidence of indiscipline.
  • To take preventive steps such as issue of notices, warnings, instructions, regulating certain actions etc. against individual or collective indiscipline.
  • Carryout surprise checks in probable areas of ragging.
  • Inform ragging incidence noticed on the spot, assessment of the incidence be made and necessary action to be taken and inform the Anti ragging Committee Chairman/Principal immediately in given Performa.


  • The committee works for Preventing the menace of ragging in the college and making the campus Zero Ragging Zone will be the moral responsibility and accountability of the entire staff working under the institute. Such person shall be bound to take immediate action if any case of ragging is noticed or brought to the notice or reported to any staff of the institution.


  • To make ragging free environment in the college campus.
  • To know the roles and responsibility of each members in the committee.
  • To eliminate the Attitude of Ragging, among the seniors.
  • To implement the mechanism for prevention of ragging in the campus.
  • To follow mechanism of malpractice related to ragging.
  • To take immediate action on the occurrence of any incidence of ragging and to report it to the anti-ragging committee, the principal, Authority of University.
  • To maintain the records and reports regarding the ragging issues and documents.

Anti-Ragging Committee :

Sr. No. Name of Members Designation
1 Prof. Vishalkumar Powar Chairperson (Mb.: 8446611490)
2 Miss. Shweta Jadhav Secretary (Mb.: 8830795062)
3 Miss. Shahin Shikalgar Member
4 Mr. Milind Sanade Member
5 Mr. Kunal Ashtekar Member
6 Milind Dhond NGO
7 Police Administration PSI Shahupuri Police Station
8 Diksha Kamble Student Representative
9 Ms. Mahima Gaikwad Alumni Member