
  • The college has a well furnished library with well-equipped reading room, which provides up- to-date reference books, journals newspapers and magazines.
  • The library is well equipped with modern facilities such as internet and web resources including -online journals and e-books. It can accommodate 50 students at a time. Students are provided with ‘to find information across all library subscribed web resources, open-access resources, library catalogue etc.
  • All library services are automated on modern line using E-vidhya’ Library Software. The library is enabled with security systems with CCTV.
  • There are total 3001 books in English and Marathi is available in the library. The most familiar are the newspapers, usually published daily or weekly, with a total no. of 07 newspapers available.
  • In our library we subscribe to periodicals published in India and abroad. Total journals are available on National 08 and International 08. There are 46 online journals.
  • The book bank scheme facility subject-wise books for the needy and SC category students. These books are given for one year.
  • A total of two schemes are implemented in this :
      1. Book Bank Scheme Nasik University: This scheme total no of books: 125.
      2. Social Welfare Department Book Bank Scheme: This scheme total no of books: 413