The college has a well furnished library with well-equipped reading room, which provides up- to-date reference books, journals newspapers and magazines.
The library is well equipped with modern facilities such as internet and web resources including -online journals and e-books. It can accommodate 50 students at a time. Students are provided with ‘to find information across all library subscribed web resources, open-access resources, library catalogue etc.
All library services are automated on modern line using E-vidhya’ Library Software. The library is enabled with security systems with CCTV.
There are total 3001 books in English and Marathi is available in the library. The most familiar are the newspapers, usually published daily or weekly, with a total no. of 07 newspapers available.
In our library we subscribe to periodicals published in India and abroad. Total journals are available on National 08 and International 08. There are 46 online journals.
The book bank scheme facility subject-wise books for the needy and SC category students. These books are given for one year.
A total of two schemes are implemented in this :
1. Book Bank Scheme Nasik University: This scheme total no of books: 125.2. Social Welfare Department Book Bank Scheme: This scheme total no of books: 413